Don't grab My Pussy

Don't grab My Pussy
I made these tees for myself and friends for the women's march, but thought I would add them here as well for anyone else who might want one. I do have mens tees available in white for anyone interested.
50% of proceeds of this shirt will be donated to Planned Parenthood. I support womens health 100%.
For anyone who disagrees with me that is totally fine, we cannot all share the same value systems and opinions. I respect your choices, causes and beliefs. I ask that you please respect mine.
I try not to get political when it comes to my business but I will take a stand for issues I believe in no matter the consequence. I love and respect all my sisters, and I welcome any discourse. I think we all need to speak to each other and understand each other, especially when it comes to difference of opinion.
I have many friends on both sides of the party lines and that will not be changing.
Lots of love and affection.